What is Lojisoft?
Lojisoft is a web-based software with high sectoral capability, especially in the logistics sector.
Lojisoft is a new generation platform application with high technology that can respond to all sectors in the fields of Transportation, Maritime, Communication and Information Technologies.
Central Data
Secure, Backup (Istanbul, Berlin and Amsterdam Data Centers)
Fast Database
NoSql Database (MongoDB) is the only one among Logistics Software.
It is not a package program
It is a parametric and customizable platform.
Flexible and User-Friendly
Adapts to workflow
Fast Support, Experienced Staff
Lojisoft support lines, Fast response
Broad Authorization
Authorization not only on a screen basis but also on an area basis
The First Cloud System in Logistics Software
Access anytime, anywhere.
Quick Adaptation
Fast project transitions and training service
Sectoral Capabilities
Lojisoft has never adhered to traditional software development models and technologies since its R&D processes. For this reason, it is different from traditional package programs that are developed with a specific framework based on limited Know-How.
Lojisoft architecture has been designed to be open to development, expansion and communication on the basis of platform application. As a result of all these studies, it has found the opportunity to be used in a wide range of sectors with its easy and fast implementation skills.
Lojisoft is a new generation platform web application developed entirely by DOA BİLGİ TEKNOLOJİLERİ A.Ş. teams, and R&D studies continue even though it is released as a product.